Chuyao WANG

Chuyao WANG

Student in applied data science

Department of Methodology, LSE

Welcome! I am a Ph.D. student in Social Research Methods (Applied Data Science) at LSE, supervised by Prof. Patrick Sturgis and Dr. Blake Miller, and funded by LSE Ph.D. Studentship (£170,000). My research are broadly about compuational social science, machine learning, public opinion, and social networks. I led a funded project in the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (2021).

I received my M.Phil. in Social Science (Social Statistics) with Postgraduate Studentship (HK$430,000) and my M.Sc. in Global China Studies from HKUST. I obtained a B.A. in History from Shandong University in China. I am grateful for my interdisciplinary background and diverse methods training.

I gained internships in strategic consulting and investment analysis from Boston Consulting Group, ByteDance and the government. Conceived in liberty and cosmopolitanism, I enjoy meeting and collaborating with people. My interests include livehouse, hiking, socially significant music and petty discoveries in life.

Please find my CV (academic) or Resume (professional) here. Please also email me or connect to my WeChat at WCY18217712639 to get connected if you are interested.

  • Applied Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Public Opinion
  • Social Networks
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Social Research Methods (Applied Data Science), 2025

    London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Master of Philosophy in Social Science (Social Statistics), 2022

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Master of Science in Global China Studies, 2020

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Bachelor of Art in History, 2020

    Shandong University


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